Forgive me now cause I
Have been unfaithful
Don't ask me why cause I don't know
So many times I've tried
But was unable
But this heart belongs to you alone
Now I'm in our secret place
Alone in your embrace
Where all my wrongs have been erased
You have forgiven
All the promises and lies
All the times I compromise
All the times you were denied
You have forgiven
Forgive me I'm ashamed
I've loved another
I can't explain cause I don't know
No one can take your place
And there is no other
Forever yours and yours alone
Take me to our secret place
(We'll leave the world away)
I get down on my knees
Feel your love wash over me
There will never be another
You're the only one forever
And you know I'm yours alone
(John L. Cooper)
Behind the Song:'I am really excited about this song, which is probably the most overtly Christian song on the album. I think “Forgiven” is a very hopeful song, and even though it’s not the first time a song has been written on the subject, it strikes a balance between being very worship oriented and honest as well. This is a song about letting yourself or someone else down, but finding the power to not beat yourself up over it and to find closure with the person you hurt.' - John Cooper (