I hold your hand and watch as the sun slowly fades
Far in the distance, the Father is calling your name
And it痴 time for you to go home
And everything in me wants to hold on
But I知 letting you go with this goodbye kiss and this promise
I値l SEE you in a little while
I値l SEE you in a little while
It won稚 be too long now
We値l SEE it on the other side
The wait was only the blink of an eye
So I知 not gonna say goodbye
舛ause I値l SEE you in a little while
And just one more thing before I let you go
Please tell my little girl I love her
Though I知 sure she already knows
And ask the Father to please tell the Son
That we池e ready and waiting for Him to come
Maybe you値l teach me all the songs they sing in Heaven
Maybe you値l show me how you can fly
And I値l hear you laugh again
And we won稚 remember when
We were not together and this time it痴 forever
I知 gonna SEE you in a little while
ACOUSTIC GTR - Steven Curtis Chapman / DRUMS - Dan Needham / PIANO - Blair Masters / ADDITIONAL PIANO (ENDING) - Ben Shive / BASS, ELECTRIC GTR, PROGRAMMING - Brent Milligan / CP70 - Joe Causey / BGVS - SCC, Scott Sheriff / STRINGS - David Davidson, Monisa Angell, David Angell, John Catchings / Strings recorded by Bobby Shin at Little Big Sound
Behind the Song:Psalms 138:8, Philippians 1:6, Job 42:2, Numbers 23:19, Isaiah 55:10-11