Pushing my way through these crowded streets
Trying not to be swept away
Fighting just to keep this crowd from
Hiding You another day
So maybe this time I’ll find You
And maybe this time I’ll push through
To see You today, today
Won’t You take me away
Won’t You take me away
‘Cause I need some time to get away
Where only You could ever
Take me away, away, away
Too many days I’ve been distracted
Watched these crowds push You away
I’m so tired of feeling empty
Without You I waste these days
So maybe this time I’ll find You
Just don’t stop calling me to You
And I’ll find my way today
Behind the Song:"In the past few years, our first record came out, and we started life on the road. We were so busy that we hardly had any time to get away. We wrote “Take Me Away” because we realized that we needed to get our priorities straight. God has that secret place for us, and we have to seek Him to find it. We needed to find that place where, as the 23rd Psalm says, He leads us beside still waters. Once we are with Him, we find that security, that quietness we desire in our lives. But it’s not going to fall in our laps. We have to seek it out." - Becca Barlow (