Thoughts of You and how You changed me
Fill my mind
Without You where would I be
So even though I’ve tried to express my thanks
It never comes out how I hoped
I want to say so much more so with these simple words
I’ll try
I love You
My heart is Yours, only Yours
I long to give You all of me
My everything, my everything
God I never could repay You
You gave everything
Without You where would I be
You still loved me even when I
Pushed You away
You stood there and waited
Till the day I’d return
Behind the Song:"We wrote “Thoughts of You” over four years ago, because we we’re learning that God could be more than someone you meet in church on Sunday. He wants to be intimate in our lives and know every part of us, and He wants us to know every part of Him. This song often reminds us that it’s easy to forget Him if we don’t earnestly seek Him." - Lauren Barlow (