Evan Dickens
Name: Evan Dickens
Role At JFH: Review Writer
Birthday: February 17, 1981
Age: Definitely not admitting to being in my 40s yet...
Location: Central Oregon
E-mail: Staff Contact Form
Marital Status: Nearly 20 years going strong, even though she doesn't like metal.
Kids: A teenage daughter who loves softball and indie pop, and a teenage son who loves baseball and TobyMac. Why doesn't anyone in my house like metal!
Pets: I don't like animals, and they don't like me
Job Status: Certified Public Accountant
Education:George Fox University, Accounting, Class of 2003
Hobbies: Avid hiker, reader, musician, and youth softball coach
Pet Peeves: I told you I don't like pets!
Favorite TV Shows: All the shows I loved in my 20s still mean the most: The Shield, The West Wing, Scrubs, The Office, 24, Frasier
Favorite Movie: All-time, This Is Spinal Tap. Recently, Ford vs Ferrari. If you want to be my friend, you have to sit through my ranking of Star Wars movies. Don't worry about Marvel though--I haven't seen more than half of them.
Favorite Books: The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett is my favorite, but I try to read 30-40 books a year across all kinds of genres, from Dennis Lehane to Brandon Sanderson to John Grisham to Timothy Keller. Recommend something!
Favorite Cartoon Characters: The animated series 1990s Batman is the best version of the best superhero.
Favorite Bands: Starflyer 59, Norma Jean, Dream Theater, Hammock, Phinehas, Death Cab for Cutie, Demon Hunter, The War on Drugs, and hundreds more. I'm never not listening to music.
Favorite Live Shows: See favorite bands above--but all-time, the best live shows I've ever seen were all Five Iron Frenzy.
Favorite Animal: You're still asking?
Favorite Food: I am a comfort food guy--burgers, fries, pepperoni pizza, fried chicken. Generally not all at the same time. Can't stand Chinese food.
Favorite Fast Food: Oddly this is the most common argument with my co-workers, imagine that. This changes frequently, but currently I'm on Team Arby's.
Favorite Breakfast Cereal: Honey Bunches of Oats, always with some fresh fruit thrown in.
Favorite Drink: I drink both your share and my share of coffee every day. Also love slightly sweet iced tea, but otherwise I'm a water guy.
Favorite Candy: Peanut M&Ms.
Most Embarrassing Moment: Basically every single time I've ever tried to talk to one of my musical heroes after a concert.
Listening to Right Now: Despite my deep love for very loud and aggressive music, right now I have some very light relaxing piano filling the mental spaces.